Leadership Creed

We, as a Sub-National - Kano, need to redefine our goals that has served us so well for long; a sound and Educated society with markets and strong economy, that will historically create more opportunities for success and pathways for the people of Kano out of poverty than any other system in history of our Dear Country - Nigeria


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Effectively, change is almost impossible without wide collaboration, cooperation, and consensus.
  • Tackling the issues that matter most
  • Reinforce the importance of workers and the work they do in the state

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Why I Am in Politics

“I was born and raised in a Village – Zaura Babba, a suburb of Ungoggo Local Government area, I had lived a life every Rural Indigent Child lives. I had the privilege of Beign educated. Knowing the Challenges first hand made me realised the need to ease them amougst our people. those Challenges I went through has always make me think I should venture into Politics for wider celebration of our teeming Populace.

As Aristotle will put it, “Our inability to Participate in Politics/Government will make us to suffer in the hands of worst of Men” it is incumbent Upon me and like minds to come and put in the Best we could to making Kano the greatest Africa’s Sub-national and City

Even without holding any Political Office, I had invested in Multi-million if not Billion at easing the Difficulties suffered by my people through my Foundation – the AA Zaura Foundation. My believe is, no matter how well I can do, having join Politics and or government will give that altrustic and philanthropic kind a wider Sucess insha Allahu

FOR KANO – Z4K Project

  • Strong Governance Success Requires Plan and Experience
    Failure to plan is a plan to fail, I am prepared for task of governance having Succeeds in private sector. Result should be prioritized, my private sector experience will be fully implored
  • Doing the Work for Our Progressiveness
    Since Childhood growing through Adulthood, alot of questions exist in my mind; why do an Ordinary child like me have to suffer before getting Educated? Why do an Ordinary Bakano Child like me have to walk distance before having access to Medical Facility and Medicare? Why do people who live in Communities like mine - Zaura Have to Plead before getting access to Road, Electricity amougst many other Social Amenities? These and many mind bugging questions exist in minds of every reasonable Bakano and this is vis a vis the numerous resource Allah has Blessed us with. It's in response to the above plethora of questions, I have since Began the little I could, to support indigent poor Children from my Locality, this initiative has further developed to be established as a Formal Organisation; with Coporate governance structure -the AA Zaura Foundation. Through the Foundation alot was achieved, but not to my macro satisfaction. In an attempt to provide a statewide response to the above Highlighted questions Comes my Venturing into Politics in 2019, it is my firm blieve that controlling state institutions could have given me greater chances to expand the good works I was doing in an attempt to excellently answer those questions. Nonetheless, even without clinching the ticket, I had increased investments through the Foundation in Multi Billion Naira to cater for Indigent Poor; Education, Health, Housing, Electrification and a number of Social Development Initiatives. As I keep on saying, I have come to Politics because I believe I can add value, I have come to Politics because if our likes leave it, we are only creating a vacuum that eventually have to be filled by people of no or less ideas. Therefore, Politics cannot Change me, but I will Change the Politics inshaAllah
  • Zaura Climate Project
    Our response to conserve our environment is also not left out, we will engage Millions of youth to a project of Tree plantation and this will beging In 2021.

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The Founder of AA Zaura foundation and the APC Kano central senatorial candidate 2023 His Excellency Abdulsalam Abdulkarim Zaura has

Zaura Build School as Contribution to Kano’s Development

As part of my Commitment to Help in Educating an average Child in Kano vide our Foundation - the AA

Zaura Calls for Massive Voter Registration in Kano

“I call on the good people of Kano State especially those that are 18 and above whom have no Voter

Let’s fight with all injustice
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